"Welcome back everyone! It was good seeing you again in our class. Looking forward to the next 6 months!"
Permission form: SKI TRIP
*** For those who are going to the ski trip, please bring in a written note from your parent(s)/guardian(s) saying how you're going to get home when we come back from the trip on Wednesday.
Letter to Mr. Contiga
* as assigned in class today, here is what your letter should consist of:
How you feel about the remaining 6 months in my class?
- What kind of effort will you give (use a percentage)?
- How will you behave?
- What is 1 thing you will improve on?
- Will you tell Mr. C about things that concern/bother you?
- Name at least 1 thing that you learned in Mr. C's class about a) school b) studying c) life d) anything else that comes to mind
- How do you really feel about that last day in June?
For each of the sections above, write at least 1 paragraph. Note: you can also combine sections above into one paragraph.