Monday, January 31, 2011
Day 92: Monday
Math (due tomorrow)
(Textbook, pgs. 198-199 # 5, 6, 7, 11, 18)
(Workbook 6.4)
Journal (due tomorrow)
(How do you feel about getting your Journal back? Are you happy, sad, or both? Why? Explain the importance of your Journal in your Grade 7 life.)
History (due this Thursday)
(Create C-Notes for the following pages, pgs. 147, 148, 164, 165, 166)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Day 91: Have an awesome weekend!
*** Day 90: Lost....
(Read Lessons 6.4 and 6.5 from your textbook)
(Bring an empty/clean candy wrapper)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Day 89: The more the merrier!
*** REMINDER: Lil' Ninja...don't forget the permission form for the basketball!!!
(Textbook, pg. 189 #19 & 20)
(Workbook 6.1 & 6.2)
(C-Notes assigned from yesterday are due tomorrow)
(Make sure that you are working on your "Writing Instructions Assignment"'s due this Friday)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Day 88: Why do we put "our 2 cents in", when it's only "a penny for your thoughts"...where did the other penny go???
(Read Lessons 6.1 and 6.2)
Language (*** Reminder: DUE this Friday)
(You should be working diligently on your "Writing Instructions ASSIGNMENT"...remember, if you have any questions or concerns, please ask me in class. No questions, no excuses!)
History (Due: this Thursday)
(read and create C-Notes from your textbook, pgs. 141, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148)
Monday, January 24, 2011
Writing Instructions ASSIGNMENT
- Title Page (Submitted by:, Submitted to:, Subject:, Date Submitted:)
- Must be typed, 12-font, Arial Narrow
- 2 pages minimum (1 page: Title Page 1-2 pages: Your Instructions)
- (DUE DATE: Friday, January 28, 2011)
Materials Required
(draw all the items) (draw the final product)
Steps (Should either be numbered or labelled in steps as shown below):
Sample #1
and so on....
Sample #2
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
and so on.....
Day 87: So it isn't that easy writing instructions huh???
(prepare for Test Tomorrow)
(Writing Instructions ASSIGNMENT)
(Please look in a separate section in the archives titled "Writing Instructions ASSIGNMENT)
Friday, January 21, 2011
Day 86: Professional Activity (P.A.) Day...woo hoo!!!
I hope each and everyone of you is working diligently on your homework. Remember, eat a good meal, set a good amount of time for your work period, and don't forget to reward yourself when you know you've worked hard with your homework. Work hard and make sure you enjoy your weekend.
Happy Birthday again to our Ninja! Happy Birthday Lil' Ninja!!!!"
Sincerely, Mr. Contiga
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Day 85: Long Weekend here we come...
(please write the instructions in your Notebooks, the long notebook!)
(Write an instruction booklet on the following topic: "How to Tie your Shoes")
(Textbook, pg. 262: "Chapter Self-Test" ALL the questions #1-9)
(Worksheet, complete questions #1-3 of the worksheet titled 'Read from textbook pages 195-197')
(read and create 'C-NOTES' for the following pages from your Textbook - pgs. 129, 130, 131, 132, 134)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Day 83: Hard Work = Great Chance at __________
(2nd Half: Textbook, pg. 265 # 11-18)
(Textbook, read the story titled "Ananse and the Pot of Wisdom": pgs. 256 - 258)
(Read it once...then go through a summary in your head)
(Read it a second will be assigned tomorrow in class)
(Make sure to complete the "Cereal Box Cover" assignment...due TOMORROW!)
(Don't forget to SUBMIT your work in the website when your work is finished!!!)
Typing (* time permitting...meaning, if you have about 10 minutes to spare)
(on our class blog, go to the "Typing Tutor" website and practice...any lesson(s) you want)
Monday, January 17, 2011
Day 82: Welcome...."LITTLE WARRIORS"
1st Half: DUE tomorrow 2nd Half: DUE Wednesday
Chapter Review:
- 1st Half: (Textbook, pg. 264 #1-10)
- 2nd Half: (Textbook, pg. 265 #11-18)
- complete the "Cereal Box" design by Wednesday, January 19th
- complete the definitions on the handout titled "7.1 Temperature and Thermometers"
- make sure you use your Science textbook to write down the definitions for the words on the page: Temperature, Thermometers, Celsius scale, Kelvin scale, Calibrate
Sunday, January 16, 2011
ATTENTION Everyone! (SUNDAY Notice)
"Tomorrow morning for Computer Lab, each of you will be logging in to bitstrips for schools. I will be assigning a small project...sooooo, please make sure that you have a log-in for the bitstrips for schools website. If you already have one and you're sure you can log-in, then you're ok for tomorrow morning. Please make sure you try and contact as many classmates tonight as possible so we can all get straight to work tomorrow. I hope someone reads this tonight..."
~Mr. C
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Day 81: The Late Post (Sorry), supposed to be for Yesterday, Friday
(Workbook 7.5)
(Study for History Test on Monday, January 17th)
ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND! You know what kind of Homework you're getting this upcoming week!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Day 80: Here comes the weekend...hold on, is that work I smell?
(Workbook 7.4)
(You should continually go over your notes for next week's History Test)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Day 79: Jab, Cross, Kick...yee ha...
(Workbook 7.3)
(Study the history study notes)
(TEST - Next Monday)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Day 78: I'm back....
(Read Lesson 7.3)
(Find a song that deals with the following: friendship & happy times)...Write down the name of the song and the artist
(Start studying from the History Notes I posted up on our blog...test is on Monday)
HISTORY: Study Notes for Test
The American Revolution
· After the seven years war, France was no longer a threat to Britain
· France busy developing a colony near the St. Lawrence River, Thirteen Colonies (Americans) felt they no longer needed to keep ties with Britain (complained about being taxed but didn’t have any representatives in the British Parliament)
· Between 1763 & 1775, Britain and American colonies grew further apart…this eventually led to the American Revolution (a.k.a “The War of Independence”)…lasted for about 8 years
· Americans hoped that their neighbours up north (Canadiens) would join them against Britain…Americans took over Montreal first, then Quebec City
· Tough for Canadiens to join the Americans because the habitants of Quebec were able to keep their language and religious rights under the rule of the British
· The Americans’ invasion of Canada failed, but their war for Independence did not…at the end of the day, a peace treaty was signed in 1783, making the American colonies independent…thus, a new nation was born à THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Who were the Loyalists?
· Loyalists were made up of colonists who were against the Revolution (in fact, about 1/3, 33%, who lived in the Thirteen Colonies were loyalists…loyal to Britain)
· Why be a loyalists?
o They thought that the idea of using physical violence to overthrow was wrong
o Some fought as soldiers alongside the British
o Some enslaved Africans wanted freedom from their American owners
o Some were First Nations people who lost their land to the Americans
o Business reasons…with the British
· Therefore, loyalists went to Nova Scotia, Quebec
· First Nations Loyalists wanted the British to keep their promise regarding land
Cause and Effect Relationships
“Action and Reaction”
CAUSE: The Thirteen Colonies in the U.S. defeat the British in their War of Independence
EFFECT: Americans who supported Britain during the war are forced to move to Canada
Settlement Procedures
· Most of the loyalists arrived in Quebec with no more than the clothes on their back
· Due to unfamiliarity with the environment, the gov’t gave each family a tent, a gun, food supplies, clothing, basic farm tools, seed, and a few farm animals
· Lots (land) were assigned by drawing “location tickets” out of a hat; this seemed to be the most fair way of families having equal chance for the land à this is where the terms “lottery” and “drawing land” came from
· The tickets showed the specific/exact site of the Loyalist’s new property
· Each head of the family (man or woman) was entitled to 40 hectares, an additional 20 hectares was given for each member of the family
· Most generous grants were given to members of the militia (reward from Britain)
o Junior officers: received 200 hectares
o Senior officers: about 400 hectares
Creating Upper Canada
· The upper country that was settled by the Loyalists was part of Quebec, but they asked the British to make their territory a separate colony because they wanted an assembly where their elected representatives could meet (the Loyalists also wanted British laws and the British system of holding land)
· The British government agreed à in 1791, Quebec was divided at the Ottawa River
o The Western part became Upper Canada (present-day Ontario)
o The Eastern part became Lower Canada (present-day Quebec)
· The Constitutional Act of 1791 stated that each province could elect an assembly, raise taxes, and pass laws (each colony had its own governor and an appointed council to advise the governor)
The Impact of the Loyalists
The Impact of the arrival of the Loyalists in Quebec and Nova Scotia was deep:
· Led to the creation of new colonies (Upper Canada & New Brunswick…now provinces)
· Arrival of a large number of English-speaking settlers established a bilingual identity for Canada
· Loyalists added value (injected new economic energy) into the British Colonies (vast areas of land were cleared for farming, new towns appeared, and new businesses were launched)
· Unfortunately for the First Nations, they were being pushed aside to make room for the new settlers
Clearing the Land
-Most newcomers to Upper Canada settled as farmers
-The life of a pioneer farmer was tough, they ‘broke their backs’ from dusk to dawn
-They cut trees with an axe (this was difficult because it was slow)
-Most of the logs that were cut were burned, but the rest were set aside to build shanties (a simple shack or cabin, 1-2 rooms with a dirt floor); shanties would house families over the winter
-Main crops were wheat and corn; however, barley and oats were also grown…farmers grew veggies for their own consumption and traded the leftovers…they usually had cows and pigs as well…moreover, wild berries, plants, and nuts added to each family’s food supply
Building the First Home
-1st home was usually a shanty or cabin (simple and cost-effective, but uncomfortable)…no windows but the gaps in the log allowed for fresh air to come through…a doorway was cut after the logs were notched and fitted into place…there weren’t actual doors so they used a blanket or rug as a door covering
-when the settlers could afford it, they built a better home (usually a log cabin with an attic for sleeping and a stone fireplace to keep the family warm during the winter season)...the shanty became a shed for farm animals
Roles on the Farm
-on a backwoods farm, men and women were equal partners (both worked hard equally in order to make farms a success)
-William Chewett, a pioneer, said that without a wife “it is impossible to exist in this settlement”…in short, he inferred that just one person couldn’t do the work necessary to run a backwoods farm
-Women worked with their husbands in the field; they also:
Tended the vegetable garden
Milked the cows
Collected eggs from the chickens
Took care of domestic chores, such as taking care of: washing clothes, cooking meals, watching the children, & chopping wood for the fire
No stoves or washing machines; therefore, wet laundry had to be carried from the river and hung to dry…this required a lot of physical strength
Even children had tasks to do…what tasks do you think the children had?
The First Governor
-In 1791, when the British established Upper Canada, they appointed a governor in order to organize the colony à “Governor John Graves Simcoe”
John G. Simcoe was a soldier who fought for Britain during the American Revolution
-He was a man full of energy and this was evident when he did his job
-He travelled all over Upper Canada and spent nights in tents and sharing pork and bread with the settlers at their backwoods farms
-He showed genuine interest in many aspects of the colony
-His wife, Elizabeth Simcoe, also loved Upper Canada and when it was their time to return to England, Elizabeth was quite upset to leave
-When York became the capital of the colony, Elizabeth had a summer house built over the Don River (she called this home “Castle Frank” after her young son
Monday, January 10, 2011
Day 77: Monday, Monday....
(Textbook, pgs. 234-235 # 4, 5, 6, 14, 16)
(Workbook 7.2)
(Textbook, pg. 176 answer #1-7 in your Language notebook)
(create 'C-NOTES' from pgs. 123-127)
NEWS: I got the "GO" for the martial arts style exercise for GYM...get ready on Wednesday!!!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Day 76: You became an official "Little Warrior" today
(read Lesson 7.3 for next week)
(Create a summary for the book titled "Scaredy Squirrel". Remember to use the sentence starters that you copied from Thursday's Language Class. Also, do not place the summary in the numbered boxes...please, and I'm going to say again, PLEASE write a summary in paragraph form. You should have at least (minimum) 4 paragraphs written for your summary!)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Day 75: The Day After Tomorrow
Language (DUE Tomorrow)
Create a summary using the graphic organizer you copied in class today.
DO NOT write the numbers, but you have to use 1 sentence starter from each section in order to create your summary. You must write in paragraphs. Highlight/Underline the sentence starter you used from the graphic organizer.
Math: read Lesson 7.2 of the Textbook
(You are not completed until you understand most/all of the concepts in the lesson. Remember, do not give up. Keep reading and try to understand the material that is explained in the lesson. I should be teaching this lesson tomorrow!)
Science: Title Page
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Day 74: Ski Day!
Thank you God for keeping all of us safe during our entire trip and for helping us enjoy the was truly memorable and fun!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Day 73: Wake up everyone!!!
(Textbook, pgs. 230-231 # 4-8, 10, 22)
(Workbook 7.1)
History (due Thursday, January 6)
Read and create 'C NOTES' from pages 114-122 (exclude, meaning 'DO NOT INCLUDE', pgs. 116, 119, & 121)
French (due Thursday, January 6)
Good copy of dialogue! DO NOT FORGET!
Skating Days for our class
- Toque/Hat that covers your ears
- Jacket (a proper one for winter)
- Gloves
- Helmet (approved one)
*** In short, bring warm clothing!!!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day 72: Welcome Back Everyone!
"Welcome back everyone! It was good seeing you again in our class. Looking forward to the next 6 months!"
Permission form: SKI TRIP
*** For those who are going to the ski trip, please bring in a written note from your parent(s)/guardian(s) saying how you're going to get home when we come back from the trip on Wednesday.
Letter to Mr. Contiga
* as assigned in class today, here is what your letter should consist of:
How you feel about the remaining 6 months in my class?
- What kind of effort will you give (use a percentage)?
- How will you behave?
- What is 1 thing you will improve on?
- Will you tell Mr. C about things that concern/bother you?
- Name at least 1 thing that you learned in Mr. C's class about a) school b) studying c) life d) anything else that comes to mind
- How do you really feel about that last day in June?
For each of the sections above, write at least 1 paragraph. Note: you can also combine sections above into one paragraph.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Are you excited about 2011?
I am looking forward to it. Let's start off strong and get ready to work and enjoy the rest of your grade 7 year...see you all on Monday!
(1) Ski Trip on Wednesday, January 5th
(2) Regarding the Ski Trip, if you haven't handed in all the forms (permission form, medical form, will not be going to the trip)