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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 16: The Battle of the DJ's....


LANGUAGE (Practice your Radio Interviews with your partner...call your partner(s) and make sure you are familiar and comfortable with the dialogue you created. Remember, we went over the Oral Communication RUBRIC in class today and you know how I will be marking you. When you present tomorrow, make sure to have fun and show some excitement...your mark depends on it!)

MATH (I want the tests signed by your one of your parents/guardians and returned to me!)


(a) Curriculum Night is this Thursday, September 30th (please remind your parents)
(b) Hot Lunch Money $$$ (please bring it in if you're ordering)
(c) A "Friendly Storm" (in the form of homework) will be coming your way tomorrow and Thursday...be prepared (P.S. Thank you everyone for supporting me with the amount of homework I've been giving you. I am happy that we're not complaining much when I assign a lot. Keep working hard! I appreciate your effort!)