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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 18: Curriculum Night!!!


MATH (Textbook, pg. 45 #11, 14, 15, 18)
(Workbook 2.2)

JOURNAL (Journal #6 -- Topic: If you had to rename the St. Benedict School (instead of Eagles), what would you change the name to? After, draw and design the LOGO that you chose to rename St. Benedict...please colour in the logo!


(a) Start studying your 'C NOTES', pgs. 11 - 20 for next Monday's Quiz
(b) Bring in CANNED GOODS!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 17: The "Friendly Storm" has arrived


As a wise man once said....."Daniel! I found you! Hahahaha (sinister laugh)"

MATH (Workbook, Lesson 2.1 -- no Textbook homework tonight, consider yourselves lucky!)

HISTORY (create 'C NOTES' for the following pages from your History textbook, pgs. 19-21)

LANGUAGE (Journal #5 -- TOPIC: Imagine you are at Woodbine Centre to spend 4 hours at the mall [choose a friend]. You are excited about your day at the mall. Your friend checks his/her wallet and realizes that he/she has no money at all. You check your wallet and you realize that you only have $20! How are you going to spend this money? Remember, your friend is bankrupt and you are with your friend at the mall for 4 hours!

Create a short fictional story about your day at the mall. Explain how you're going to have fun with only $20 to spend for YOU and YOUR FRIEND! Add some humour please!)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 16: The Battle of the DJ's....


LANGUAGE (Practice your Radio Interviews with your partner...call your partner(s) and make sure you are familiar and comfortable with the dialogue you created. Remember, we went over the Oral Communication RUBRIC in class today and you know how I will be marking you. When you present tomorrow, make sure to have fun and show some excitement...your mark depends on it!)

MATH (I want the tests signed by your one of your parents/guardians and returned to me!)


(a) Curriculum Night is this Thursday, September 30th (please remind your parents)
(b) Hot Lunch Money $$$ (please bring it in if you're ordering)
(c) A "Friendly Storm" (in the form of homework) will be coming your way tomorrow and Thursday...be prepared (P.S. Thank you everyone for supporting me with the amount of homework I've been giving you. I am happy that we're not complaining much when I assign a lot. Keep working hard! I appreciate your effort!)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 15: "Attention Radio Listeners!!!"


MATH (I want the MATH Test returned to me and signed by one of your parents/guardians! Please do not forget...please call some of your contacts to make sure they do not forget. Thank you!)
LANGUAGE (Dialogue: complete your Radio Interview Dialogue and be ready to meet with me tomorrow during Language)

"Key Notes to Remember with the Radio Interview Assignment"

  • MEETING WITH Mr. C: Tuesday, September 28th (Have a copy of your dialogue)
  • DUE: Wednesday, September 29th (PRESENTATION DAY)
  • LENGTH of Interview: minimum 3 minutes, maximum 5 minutes
  • NUMBER of Copies: 1 copy for Mr. C, 1 copy for each person presenting

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 14: The return of the 'C Notes'...(Episode 2)


Message to Parents: My students were not able to receive their Meningitis Shots today, they should be receiving their Meningitis vaccine (needle shot) after January 2011. If you have any questions, please call me at the school 416-393-5267.

History: First off, make sure you have your History Textbook
(Create 'C NOTES' from pg. 11 (titled EUROPE LOOKS WEST) to pg. 18).....so again, to review, you have to create 'C NOTES' from pgs. 11 to 18 of your History textbook

Things to remember when creating 'C NOTES':

  • Use "Point Form" when writing notes (this list is in point form)
  • Try your best to put the notes in your own words
  • Names, Dates, Places usually are important things to write down
  • After creating a 'C NOTE', read over them so you can try to understand the reading material better

Apology Letter/Contract to Mr. C

  • 1 page
  • on a separate sheet of paper
  • explain your promise to behave in my class
  • explain your academic goals (goals for your grades)
  • Sign your name at the bottom of the page

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 13: Fear or no fear


Journal #4

LANGUAGE (Radio Interview Dialogue): Due Next Tuesday


(a) Picture Day Tomorrow!

(b) Hepatitis B and Meningitis Shots

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 12: The Day before the Storm


The only Homework you have tonight is MATH! Redo the Chapter Review that I assigned a few days ago (the one we just took up today). If you understand the questions from the Chapter Review, you should do well in the Math Test TOMORROW!


(a) Just giving a 'heads up' to all of you...expect some homework this weekend (in the form of 'C NOTES' for History)

(b) PICTURE DAY is this Friday! Look your best please (or try to)!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 11: History Quiz is HISTORY...bring on the MATH test!!!


MATH (Chapter 1: CHAPTER REVIEW...pg. 35 #5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12)
*** Note: please make sure that you attempt to answer ALL the questions so when we take it up during class, you can see whether you're on the right track or see where you went wrong.

LANGUAGE (Work on your "Radio Interview Dialogue" with your partner)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 10: Accent or no accent "asdf jkl;..." hahaha


SCIENCE: Read over the definitions from the handout I gave you today. Just read over it and try to understand them, some you can start memorizing. But don't stress over it, I just want you to read it over so you can be familiar with the terms.

MATH (Textbook, pg.28 #5, 6, 7, 8, 12)
(Workbook, pg. 7....1.7)

LANGUAGE (Textbook, pg. 118 #1 Complete the chart from "Check Your Understanding")

COMPUTER TYPING (please click on the 'Free "Typing Tutor"' link on the right side/column of our blog...click on the Home Row Keys and I want you to practice typing for at least 10 minutes tonight)


(a) Please hand in remaining forms: BLUE SURF-RIGHT, HPV forms, Meningitis forms

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 9: The forgotten Friday blog...

First of all, my apologies for not posting yesterday. Here is the blog that should have been posted yesterday (Friday):


(1) History: study your 'C NOTES' for your upcoming quiz this coming week (the first quiz should be fairly simple, if you study for it...the quizzes will gradually increase in difficulty as the year goes on)

(2) Journal #3 (the topic was posted on the Day 8 blog...please check that blog date)

*** SURF-RIGHT (Blue Forms): I plan to go to the Computer Lab on Monday, first thing in the morning...sooooooo, no surf-right form means you won't be able to log-in


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 8: Do you smell that? Smells like a Math Test and History Quiz...it's getting closer...


MATH: (Textbook -- pgs. 24-25 #4, 5, 6, 7, 16)
(Workbook -- 1.6)

LANGUAGE: "The Winner", pgs. 105 - 106 (Answer questions 1-3 on page 107 in your Language notebook)

Journal #3: (Topic: How do you feel about your decision to stay in Mr. C's class?) --> THIS ONE IS DUE ON MONDAY! NEXT MONDAY!



(1) Bring in all the forms that you haven't given to Mr. C!!!

(2) Start studying your 'C NOTES' for the History quiz next week (Hint: make sure you know all the names, dates, places that have been mentioned so far in the pages we've covered)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 7: A relaxing night (not too much homework)...


Math (Read Lesson 1.6 from the textbook)


Bring in the following

(1) Agenda Book Money $6.00
(2) Hepatitis & Meningitis forms
(3) (Blue) Surf-right forms -- no forms signed = NO LOGIN

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 6: Batman (Maureen) & Robin (Joseph) save the day...NOT!!! Hahahaha


Math textbook pg 21 #1-12


  • Gym bring extra clothes,
  • hepatitist and menengitis forms

Posted by:Joseph and Maureen

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 5: Taking Care of Business


Everything is due tomorrow!!!!

Math: (Textbook, pgs. 18-19 #5, 6, 13, 16, 17)
(Workbook 1.5..... pg. 5)

Journal #2: (Topic: My First Week)

History: Title Page

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 4: The Quest is over...NO HOMEWORK this weekend!!!


(1) I will be teaching lesson 1.5 for Math on Monday. If you want to go ahead of the game, please read the lesson during the weekend so the lesson will be easier to understand when I teach it to you. Thank you in advance to those of you who will take up this challenge.

(2) Please hand in the following if you haven't done so already: (a) agenda book money $6.00 (b) Information sheets (c) Hepatitis A shots - forms

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 3: The Quest for the "HOMEWORK FREE" Weekend

Homework (EVERYTHING below is due tomorrow):

(Textbook -- pgs. 12-13 #4, 5, 9, 18, 19)
(Workbook -- pg. 3... 1.3)

(Welcome Back package...this is the 5 page package that I handed out to you that tells me more about yourself.)

(1) Please bring in your 'Agenda Book Money' $6.00, it's the last day tomorrow!!!

(2) Please bring in the 'Information Sheets' that were given earlier this week. Eva and Alehandro, I know you just got them today so please bring all the sheets in by tomorrow. Thank You!

(3) One of our blue fish passed away due to 'overfeeding', please do not overfeed our fish. ("R.I.P. Joelina") Please welcome our new fish "Casper".

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 2: Should I stay or should I go?

MATH (Textbook -- pgs. 6-7 #3, 4, 5, 8, 16)
(Workbook -- pg. 1... 1.1)

1. Bring in $6.00 for your agenda books. Please bring it in as soon as possible!

2. Please look on the right column of this blog. I just opened a new poll
regarding our gym class. Please read and vote only once! Thank you!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 1: A New Beginning

Journal #1: My Summer Vacation

Bring your GYM Clothes for Gym Class Tomorrow. Bring proper clothing (extra shirt, shorts/track pants, shoes, deodorant).

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Welcome back everyone! A special shout-out goes to my grade 7 students of 2010-2011. Work hard, come prepared for class, and try your best...that is all that I can ask of you. Let's have a fun and productive year...