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Monday, October 17, 2011

Farewell BLOG...thank you for everything...

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."

Dear Students,

This blog will no longer be used starting today. I am now using a new blog, here is the link:

The new blog allows you to download any files that I attach to a message (for example, if you are away and need a copy of the debate template, you can easily click on the link and either open/save that file into your own computer.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported this blog (past and present students). It served a great purpose and I hope the new one will do the same, I know it will.

Sincerely, Mr. Contiga

Sunday, October 16, 2011


"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."

Dear Students,

I have just updated one of the help websites on the right side of our blog, just scroll down. The new website is called "MATH HELP!" If you are having difficulty with some of the concepts or if you just want to make sure you're doing things right, click on the link and then click on your grade. The website is awesome, simply click on the topic you are having trouble with and then go from there. Thanks.

Sincerely, Mr. C

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 28: Picture Day! Yaaaaay!

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."


(1) Bring in Lunch Order forms (if you're ordering)
(2) Always write in your agenda books (even with the blog)
(3) Brind in Halloween Dance-A-Thon Forms (orange sheet) & the money (ASAP)


Grade 7: (Textbook, pgs. 66-67 #5, 6, 7, 11, 14, 19, 21, 22……..& Workbook 2.7)

Grade 8: (Textbook, pgs. 77-78 #4, 6, 7, 9-15……& Workbook 2.8)

Independent Reading
Grade 7 only: read for 30 minutes tonight

Grade 8: complete C-NOTES pgs. 40-47

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 27: HOMEWORK must be completed

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."


Grade 7: (Textbook, pgs. 62-63 #5, 6, 11, 14, 18, 19, 20....& Workbook 2.6)

Grade 8: (Textbook, pgs. 74-75 #4-7, 18......& Workbook 2.7)

* look at yesterday's post....C-NOTES from pgs. 40-47 of the Textbook

Typing/Keyboarding Tutor
* type for a total of 30 minutes

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 26: P.A. Day yesterday was Day 25

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."

(1) Grade 7: go over your Math questions...a test is coming up very soon
(2) Grade 8: Msgr. Johnson trip this Friday


Grade 7: (Lesson 2.5: Textbook, pgs. 58-59 #5, 7, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21...& Workbook 2.5)

Grade 8: (Lesson 2.6: Textbook, pgs. 70-71 #4, 5, 6, 10, 15, 16...& Workbook 2.6)

Grade 8: Create C-NOTES, textbook pgs. 40-49 (Due this Friday)

* I noticed how some people are typing with two fingers...let's use all 10 please! (click on the Typing Tutor link to the right of this blog and practice your typing)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 24: Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to each one of you and your families!

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."


(1) RADIO INTERVIEW ASSIGNMENTS: Due Tuesday, October 12, 2011

(2) Grade 7: Science Quizzes - Tuesday, October 12, 2011

(3) Grade 8: History Test - Wednesday, October 13, 2011

(4) Grade 7 & 8: Halloween Dance-a-Thon (Form & Money)


*** Complete your RADIO INTERVIEW ASSIGNMENTS...and Study for your quizzes and tests....other than that, ENJOY THE LONG WEEKEND WITH YOUR FAMILY!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 23: Who's considered as the greatest player to ever step foot on a basketball court who wore this number?

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."

*** "Bring in Magazines tomorrow for ART"
(1) Grade 7s: Science Quizzes next Tuesday...study ALL your notes!!!
(2) Grade 8s: History Test next week, Wednesday


Grade 7: Go over all your homework for Chapter 2 so far (check the back of your books for the answers and make sure that you are on the right track)

Grade 8: Chapter 2-MID-CHAPTER REVIEW (Textbook, pg. 63 #1-12)

Grade 8: keep studying those C-NOTES, don't leave it at last minute...TEST next Wednesday

Grade 7: study ALL the notes you've taken in class so far...there's at least 7 pages to study, don't leave it last minute...TEST next Tuesday

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 22: Congratulations goes out to our Boys Soccer Team...good effort today boys, we're proud of you!

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."

  1. TTC Photo ID Card Money (due tomorrow)
  2. Grade 8 Music Trip Money & Form (bring in ASAP)
  3. Grade 8 - study for upcoming History Test for next week



Grade 7:
(Chapter 2, MID-CHAPTER REVIEW - textbook, pg. 55 #1-11)
Grade 8: (Textbook, pgs. 60-61 #11-16........+ Workbook 2.4)

Grade 8: continue reading the C-NOTES I gave you recently...a test is coming up next week


Grade 7:
please go over all your notes...you will have 2 quizzes next Tuesday

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 21: Scrapbooks...thank you....

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."

* Bring in magazines, for ART this Friday (as many magazines as possible)
* Grade 8: (1) Music Trip Form (2) TTC ID Card $$$$ (3) SOCCER FORMS!!!!


Grade 7: Textbook pg. 52 #3-6....& Workbook 2.4

Grade 8: Workbook 2.3

Journal: TOPIC (Journal #8: Create your own POTATO CHIPS brand!)
You will write about your own brand of potato chips. You will:

  • draw a picture of the bag (coloured!)

  • 1st paragraph: description of your chips

  • 2nd paragraph: what makes it different from other brands?

  • 3rd paragraph: what kind of commercial will you make for this?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 20: Rain rain go away...

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."

  1. Grade 8: TTC ID Card Money (bring in ASAP)

  2. Grade 8: Toronto Symphony Orchestra Trip forms (bring in ASAP)


Grade 7: Lesson 2.3 (Textbook, pgs. 48-49 #5, 6, 18, 21 + Workbook 2.3

Grade 8: Lesson 2.2 (Textbook, pgs. 54-55 #3, 4, 5, 10, 14, 16 + Workbook 2.2)

Grade 8: read over the C-NOTES that I handed out last week (study and understand them)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 18: We are a family, so let's work like one...

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."


Grade 7: Lesson 2.2: Solving Ratio Problems
(Homework: Textbook, pgs. 44-45 #5, 6, 11, 14, 15, 18……& Workbook 2.2)

Grade 8: Lesson 2.1: Expressing Fractions as Decimals
(Homework: Textbook, pg. 50 #4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15…..& Workbook 2.1)

Grade 8
  • study the C-NOTES I gave you today
  • read over them carefully
  • understand the information (think of it as a story)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 16: Behaviour? We need to talk...

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."

  • MATH tests for both Grades 7 & 8 tomorrow!
  • History test for Grade 8s...this Thursday!
  • whatever I assigned on the work list today

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 15: Monday is awesome...sort of...

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."


  • remember to go to your assigned classroom tomorrow

  • your homework tonight is to REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!!!!

Tests Coming Up

  1. Grade 8: Math Test - Chapter 1 (this WEDNESDAY)

  2. Grade 8: History (study your C-NOTES from pgs. 21-25) --- (this THURSDAY)

  3. Grade 7: Math Test - Chapter 1 (this WEDNESDAY)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Grade 8 HISTORY: Update

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."

Dear Grade 8s,

As promised, I am posting your homework for next week (yes, ahead of time). Actually, I think you'll be happy to know that I won't be assigning C-NOTES until the week after because I will be the one creating the C-NOTES from pgs. 28-39 of the textbook...you will be copying the notes down during one of our History lessons.

Therefore, the homework that I will be assigning for this upcoming week is a study period for an upcoming History Test. The Test (scheduled for this upcoming Thursday, September 29) will be based on the C-NOTES that is due this Monday (textbook, pgs. 21-25).
Please make sure to make good C-NOTES from these pages. So there you go, you have an upcoming Test this Thursday...study the C-NOTES you are making from pgs. 21-25. Good luck with the studying!

Sincerely, Mr. C

Day 14: 3rd weekend of the year!

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."

  • GRADE 7's: please bring in Hepatitis B & Meningococcal Vaccine forms
  • Type French sentences on the computer



Grade 7: Textbook, pg. 35 (ALL of the questions)

Grade 8:
Chapter Review--Chapter 1 (Textbook, pg. 43 #1-11) ---- DUE Monday, September 26


Grade 8: create C-NOTES from pgs. 21-25 of your textbook ---- DUE Monday, September 26

Language (Independent Reading)

Grade 7 only: read for a total of 1 hour in the weekend

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 13: This is my lucky number! Seriously! Naw, seriously...

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."


Grade 7: (Textbook, pg. 32 #5, 9, 10, 11....& Workbook 1.8)

Grade 8: Chapter Review--Chapter 1 (Textbook, pg. 43 #1-11) ---- DUE Monday, September 26

Grade 8: create C-NOTES from pgs. 21-25 of your textbook ---- DUE Monday, September 26

Journal #6 (TOPIC: My own store at the mall)

  • you are given a chance to run your own business

  • the spot you are given is inside a mall (Vaughn Mills Mall)

  • Name your store (draw a logo)

  • paragraph #1: explain what your store sells/offers

  • paragraph #2: explain the pricing of at least 3 items/services in your store

  • paragraph #3: why should people buy things/services from your store?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 12: My apologies for not posting Day 11

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."

* HPV forms (please bring in by tomorrow!)


Grade 7: (Textbook, pgs. 28-29 #5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 22)

Grade 8: (Textbook, pgs. 36-37 #4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18…….& Workbook 1.8)

Grade 8: Textbook, read pg. 20 and answer the three questions at the bottom of the page

“Autobiographical Scrapbook”: you should be working on this project everyday…don’t leave it last minute!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 10: "Monday, Monday...dah dah, dah dah dah..."

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."


  • Pizza Lunch Money (bring the form and money as soon as possible)

  • start planning for your "Autobiographical Scrapbook"


Grade 7: Textbook, pgs. 24-25 #4, 5, 6, 7, 16.....& Workbook 1.6)

Grade 8: (Textbook, pgs. 30-31 #3, 4, 5, 9, 15, 16, 18, 20....& Workbook 1.6)

(A) Independent Reading: Grade 7 only - read for 30 minutes (record minutes in your agenda book)

(B) Journal #5: TITLE - Calm, Funny, Random...

  • you will write a paragraph for each word in the title with an explanation for each paragraph

  • 1st paragraph "Calm" - so far in class this year, when is our class the most calm?

  • 2nd paragraph "Funny" - what would you consider is the funniest moment that happened in the classroom so far?

  • 3rd paragraph "Random" - what is the most random thing/moment that happened with our class so far?

(C) "Autobiographical Scrapbook" - at this point, you should already have an idea about the content of your scrapbook; in short, what you will be talking about for each topic. Also, start gathering/collecting pictures or any type of media that you are planning to use in the assignment

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 9: Weekend! Woohoo!!!!!!

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."

Independent Reading

  • read for a total of 1 hour during the weekend

Other than that...enjoy your weekend!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."

Please pass this message on to everyone! Sorry for the late post...but can you please bring in as many magazines as possible? I want to incorporate the magazines for Art tomorrow! PLEASE PASS ON THE MESSAGE TO YOUR CLASSMATES. Thanks.

Day 8: Kobe's "Old" Number...aaaaah, back in the day....

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."

Grade 7: read lesson 1.5 (then do Workbook 1.5)

Grade 8: Mid-Chapter Review (Textbook, pg. 25 #1-11)

Grade 8: create C-NOTES from pgs. 13-16

Language: Journal #4
(TOPIC: What my future holds...at 28)
* Write about your future...well, you don't have a time machine handy so you will have to predict your future. What does it look like? Did you go to University, College, or Apprenticeship? What course did you take in school? What job do you think you'll have? Did you marry and have your own family?

When you write this journal, you have to write it as if you're ALREADY 28 years old! Be creative!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 7: Lucky number?

"Making mistakes are okay, as long as you learn from them..."


Grade 7: Mid-Chapter Review, Textbook, pg. 21 #1-12

Grade 8: Textbook, pgs. 22-23 #4, 5, 6, 13, 18, 19 --- & Workbook 1.5

Grade 8
Textbook, pg. 9 (complete the "Think it THROUGH" section)---due tomorrow
Textbook: create C-NOTES from pgs. 13-16 ---due Friday, September 16

Independent Reading
Grade 7 only
- read for 30 minutes tonight

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 6: Rotation time...cool...



Grade 7: read lesson 1.5 (read until you understand all/most of the lesson)

Grade 8: (Textbook, pg. 18 #3, 4, 9, 11, 13....Workbook 1.4)

Journal (TOPIC: My two wishes...)

The final dismissal bell just rang. Another day in school, a good one too! You are making your way home, when suddenly you stumble upon a weird looking bottle. You pick up the bottle and start shaking it...suddenly, a genie pops out and grants you 2 wishes. She says that you can't wish for extra wishes, nor can you wish for money...what would you wish for? Explain in your journal.

***NOTE: remember what I talked about in class, proper formatting please (write down a date and title underlined, indent when starting a new paragraph, skip a line when starting a new paragraph!)...it is a journal, so it should start with "Dear Mr. Contiga," and end with "Sincerely, YOUR NAME"

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 5: First Monday of the school year


  • Agenda Book Money $6.00 (if you still haven't brought the money in)

  • Forms Package (handed out on the first day of school)

  • Gym this Wednesday (don't forget to bring your gym clothes!)



Grade 7: (a) Workbook 1.4

Grade 8: (a) complete "1.3 Homework" assigned last Friday (b) read Lesson 1.4


  • read for 30 minutes tonight

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 4: Enjoy your weekend!

  • Agenda Book Money ($6.00): if you still haven't handed it in
  • Form Package
  • Complete your PERSONAL BINDER


Grade 7: 1.3 (Textbook, pgs. 12-13 #4, 5, 9, 18, 19.............Workbook 1.3)

Grade 8:
1.3 (Textbook, pgs. 14-15 #4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18........Workbook 1.3)

Journal (Write about your 1st week, include the following information:)

  • How did you like your first week?
  • Do you want to stay in this split class? Explain.

  • What are some of the things that you like in this class so far?

  • What are you looking forward to this year?

  • How do you feel about the amount of homework that you will be receiving this year?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 3: Once should be enough, Two is pushing it, Three? I don't think so...


  • Agenda Book Money ($6.00) - if you still haven't brought the money

  • Forms (Package given on the first day)

  • PERSONAL BINDER Project (bring in a 3 ring binder, dividers, and 5 pictures)



Grade 7: Workbook 1.2

Grade 8: 1.2 (Textbook, pgs. 10-11 #5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 16, 20.................... Workbook 1.2)


  • Grade 7 & 8 (Title Page)


  • Grade 7 & 8 (Title Page)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 2: Getting used to things


Please bring in the following as soon as possible:

  • Agenda Book Money ($6.00)

  • Forms (package given yesterday)



Grade 7: 1.1 (Textbook, pgs. 6-7 #3, 4, 5, 8, 16.......Workbook 1.1)

Grade 8: 1.1 (Textbook, pgs. 6-7 #3, 4, 5, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19.........Workbook 1.1)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


A Big welcome to my grade 7/8 students. I hope you had a good day today!

Here is your homework for tonight:

  1. PERSONAL BINDER (3 Ring Binder, Dividers, *5 pictures of your choice)
  2. AGENDA BOOK MONEY $6.00 - bring in the money as soon as possible
  3. FORMS (package needs to be filled out by your parent/guardian)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Same FRACTIONS, Same Website...

Hello everyone! I don't know about you but that first month went by really quick. I hope you've been enjoying your summer break so far.

With regards to Math and FRACTIONS, I looked over the website I posted on the first week of July and I found it useful. Here is the link that takes you directly to the FRACTIONS part of the website, go over the links - especially the "Addition" and "Subtraction" ones; also, try the "Division" and "Multiplication".

Here is the website again:

As you click the links, just make sure to read the instructions carefully...some allow you to answer right away online and it provides you with an answer (however, like I taught you in class get a piece of paper and DO THE WORK).

Below is a quick review of Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing FRACTIONS. I will try and look for another fractions website and post it before the end of the week, keep checking the blog.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

MATH: Fractions website

Hello everyone! I hope you're enjoying the first days of your summer vacation! As promised, here is a Math website related to fractions. There are a lot of resources on this website so choose the ones that you are interested in completing. Realistically, you won't get to every option; however, choose the ones that you want to improve on. Take care, and keep posted...my next useful website posting may be next week...enjoy the sun!

Here is the link to the Math website:

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Awesome Canada Day Weekend Weather!

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the Canada Day Long Weekend! The weather has been awesome, hopefully you took advantage of the sun and enjoyed the weekend with your friends and family.

I will probably be posting a Math website by this Wednesday...stay tuned...

P.S. The "Bitstrips for Schools" website is still running. If you want me to approve any of your comics, post it and I will check it out.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Last Day of School...HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

Well, here it is...the last day of school. As much as I want to write a lot of things for this post, I believe what needs to be said was already said today in class. I appreciate all of your comments/opinions of how our year went. Remember this year, it was simply AWESOME!

Wishing all of you and your families a safe, enjoyable, and fun summer! See you later people!!!

Sincerely, Mr. Contiga

P.S. "Check the blog at least once a week...I may post some links related to Math, specifically fractions"

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Well, this is it...1 more day...bittersweet?

As mentioned today, you will have a chance to talk to the entire class tomorrow. Remember, speak from the heart. Only positive things please. This year was special: I used the word 'special' because that is the impression that I received from most of you through your journals and our class discussions in the past few weeks.

You have two options:

(1) Speak from the heart - without writing anything on paper, you will speak to your classmates about your year and the positive things that you will remember about it

(2) Write it down - write down your thoughts on a piece of paper and read as if you were reading a speech; again, speak about the positive things that you will remember about your year

We learned so much together this year. Remember all the good moments, the funny ones, even the tough ones. Through each experience, you've learned something. See you tomorrow!

Monday, June 27, 2011

2 days left...but this BLOG will live on...

Two days left everyone. This has been an amazing year, as most of you have expressed in the past few weeks. Cherish the final two days, especially with your friends. Stay tuned for the final few postings...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 176 - Day 180: Nearing the end...

*** NOTE: ALL the "Journal" entries assigned below are due on FRIDAY, JUNE 17th
The Math WORKSHEET (Ch.1-12) is also due on FRIDAY, JUNE 17th

Similar to last week, here is the day-to-day breakdown for your homework this week:

*MONDAY (June 13th)*
Independent Reading
(45 minutes)

(Title: June entry #5)
(Topic: What if all the streets were water? Explain, in at least two paragraphs, how things would be different in your neighbourhood. ie: School, Extra-curricular activities, Life in general, etc.)


*TUESDAY (June 14th)*
Independent Reading
(45 minutes)

(Title: June entry #6)
(Topic: Once, when your feelings were hurt, explain what happened.)


*WEDNESDAY (June 15th)*
Independent Reading

(45 minutes)

(Title: June entry #7)
(Topic: What do you think the world would be like when you are 21 years old? Describe specific things such as school, transportation, technology, jobs, etc.)


*THURSDAY (June 16th)*
Independent Reading
(45 minutes)

(Title: June entry #8)
(Topic: List and describe things in this world that you find beautiful. You should list and describe a minimum of 5 things.)


Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 171-175: The Blog is back...



(Textbook, pg. 118 - do entire page: complete the chart and question #13)

Journal (keep in mind, good format and good quality!)
(Title: June Journal #1)
(TOPIC: What are you most proud of about yourself this year? The information could be related to subjects, teams/clubs you've tried out for, a good test result you achieved, etc.)

Independent Reading
(read for 30 minutes tonight)

(Textbook, pg. 224 --- #10 ALL of it)

Journal (...good format, good quality)
(Title: June Journal #2)
(TOPIC: Try your best and think of a time where you struggled the most during this year. In short, what part(s) of the year was the most challenging to you, explain.)

(Textbook, pg. 344 --- #11 ALL of it)

(Title: June Journal #3)
(TOPIC: Think about all the things you learned from me this year. All you have to do for this entry is LIST *all* the things that you learned from me.)

(Textbook, pg. 439 #10 ALL of it)

(Title: June Journal #4)
(TOPIC: Imagine you are a celebrity. You are at an awards show that is live on national TV, seen by people from all over the world. <1> choose what type of celebrity you are <2> name the awards show <3> write a short 1 minute speech...pretend that you won an award and write a thank you speech!)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 161: The Outsiders...get ahead of the game!


(Due: Next Friday, May 27th)
THE OUTSIDERS - finish reading the book and create chapter summaries for each of the remaining chapters.

We will watch the movie next Friday...remember, your "ticket" to the movie will be your completed chapter summaries. No chapter summaries (for each chapter), no movie!

HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND EVERYONE! (Enjoy your birthday "V"!)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 159: "The Outsiders" Marathon...


Math (Due Tomorrow)
(Chapter 11 - Chapter Review: textbook, pgs. 406-407 #1-7)

THE OUTSIDERS (Due Thursday, May 19th)
Read Chapter 3 - Chapter 6
  • Write a 2-3 paragraph summary (for each chapter)

(((K's Homework)))


1. http://www.mathk8.nelson.com/math7/quizzes/math7quizzes/gr7_ch11_les1.htm

2. http://www.mathk8.nelson.com/math7/quizzes/math7quizzes/gr7_ch11_les3.htm

3. http://www.mathk8.nelson.com/math7/quizzes/math7quizzes/gr7_ch11_les4.htm

  • read any book/magazine/newspaper for 30 minutes

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 158: Regular Homework Resumes...Congrats with the 10-straight monster homework days


The Outsiders (Novel)

(Due: Tuesday, May 17th)
(A) Read CHAPTER 1
(B) In your Language Notebook, answer the following questions:

  1. Name the two things that Ponyboy had in his mind at the beginning of the book.

  2. Describe Ponyboy Curtis, ie: how he looks, his family, age, etc.

  3. What is the difference between a Greaser and a Soc?

  4. Why are Ponyboy, Soda, and Darry forced to behave?

  5. What happened to Ponyboy after he left the theatre? Describe.

  6. List and describe the other members of the gang, Darry’s gang.

(Due: Wednesday, May 18th)

(A) Read CHAPTER 2
(B) In your Language Notebook, write a summary of the chapter. Be sure to include the following information:

  • new characters with a description(s) of that character

  • setting(s): new places mentioned in the story

  • narrative: keep in mind that when you're summarizing, you are telling a story to someone...keep it simple but also make sure that you don't miss any important details

Friday, May 6, 2011

CLUE for upcoming Geography Test this coming Monday...

To the lucky ones reading this blog post:

If you're reading this right now, consider yourself lucky; perhaps, luck should not even be mentioned because something in your brain told you to check the blog post...well, here is a clue for the upcoming Geography Test this Monday.

With regards to pgs. 105-111 of the Textbook, you should know the following 3 landform regions in detail: WESTERN CORDILLERA, HUDSON BAY LOWLANDS, and CANADIAN SHIELD. You should be able to explain these 3 landform regions in detail.

Have a great weekend!

Sincerely, Mr. Contiga

Day 153-Day 155: Monster May Homework (Part 2)

Day 153 - Day 155: Monster May Homework (Part 2)

Monday (May 9th)
Lesson 11 - Mid-Chapter Review
* Textbook, pg. 393 #1-10 (all)
* read Lesson 11.3

(Independent Reading)
30 minutes

Topic - If you had a chance to create your own fast food place, what would it be? (name, type of food, menu, pricing, location, etc.)

(Geography): due Thursday, May 12
Textbook-- create C-NOTES from pgs. 114-126
Tuesday (May 10th)
*Textbook-- pg. 397 #6, 7, 8, 9
*Workbook-- Lesson 11.3
*Read Lesson 11.4

(Independent Reading)
30 minutes

Topic - If you can make or create a word, what would it be and describe the meaning.

(Geography): due Thursday, May 12
Textbook-- create C-NOTES from pgs. 114-126
Wednesday (May 11th)
*Textbook-- pg. 399-400 #4 and 10 only
*Workbook-- Lesson 11.4
*Read Lesson 11.5

(Independent Reading)
45 minutes

Topic - Design and draw your own shoe. (in paragraphs, make sure you describe the following information: Name, Colour, Gender, Price, and any other important/useful information that you feel is appropriate)

(Geography): due TOMORROW!!!
Textbook-- create C-NOTES from pgs. 114-126

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 148-Day 152: (Week 1) Monster May Homework...Part 1

The following is the schedule for Part 1 of Monster May Homework (Week 1). Whatever is assigned that day will be due the next day, unless specified. Please follow a routine when you arrive home from school and make sure that you are focused in completing your homework. Also, call that classmate you chose in class to make sure that you have completed the homework for that night. Good luck and stay motivated...remember, "Reason or Excuse?"...

Monday (Day 1)
Math: Workbook 10.1, then read lesson 11.1 from your Textbook
Independent Reading: read for 30 minutes tonight (record in your log sheet)
Journal: Topic-- Name and describe 3 things that make you nervous/feel uncomfortable.
Geography: Create C-NOTES from your Textbook, pgs. 98-111 (DUE this Friday, May 6th)
Science: *** work that the group gives you in class

Tuesday (Day 2)
Math: Textbook, pg. 387 #6, 7, 8, 9
Independent Reading: read for 30 minutes tonight (record in your log sheet)
Journal: Topic-- Think back and try to remember the most odd/weirdest dream that you've ever had. Describe your dream and explain why it felt so weird. What happened? Who was in your dream? How did you react when you woke up?
Geography: Create C-NOTES from your Textbook, pgs. 98-111 (DUE this Friday, May 6th)
Science: *** work that the group gives you in class

Wednesday (Day 3)
Math: (Textbook, pg. 387 # 11 & 12), (Workbook 11.1), (Read Lesson 11.2)
Independent Reading: read for 30 minutes tonight (record in your log sheet)
Journal: Topic-- "I Wish I Never..." - you will list and describe as many things that you wish you never had done in your life so far.
Geography: Create C-NOTES from your Textbook, pgs. 98-111 (DUE this Friday, May 6th)
Science: *** work that the group gives you in class

Thursday (Day 4)
Math: (Textbook, pgs. 390-391 #5, 6, 9, 11, 14), (Workbook 11.2) --> due Monday, May 9th
Independent Reading: read for 30 minutes tonight (record in your log sheet)
Journal: Topic-- "Time Travel" - If you had the opportunity to choose any date in time and travel back to that day, what date would you choose and why? (ie: a historic date, a past event, etc.) For this journal you will be time-travelling to a specific date, explain what you would do there, then travel back to the present.
Geography: Create C-NOTES from your Textbook, pgs. 98-111 (DUE tomorrow!!!)
Science: *** work that the group gives you in class

Friday (Day 5)
Math: (Textbook, pgs. 390-391 #5, 6, 9, 11, 14), (Workbook 11.2) --> due Monday, May 9th
Geography: study the C-NOTES you created this week (Textbook, pgs. 98-111), a test will be given on Monday, May 9th

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 147: Good luck this weekend GSP! Go Canada Go!


"Monster May" (2 week homework format)

  1. Journal (at least 1 per day)

  2. Independent Reading (min. 30 minutes per day)

  3. Math (assigned homework & reading the next lesson)

  4. Geography (C-NOTES) - "bunch"

  5. * Science

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 146: Deja Vu? This blog looks similar to last night...hmmmm


(Create 3 drawings):
  1. Angle Bisector (3 arcs, label the angles & bisector line)---original angle = 84 degrees
  2. Perpendicular Bisector (label the line segments, draw the right angle box)
  3. Perpendicular Line (label the line segments, draw the right angle box)
Independent Reading
(read for 45 minutes tonight...don't forget to record the time in your reading log)

(at this point, you should have already made C-NOTES from Textbook, pgs. 82-91...next week's quiz will be from these pages)

Geography Test GUIDELINE

· Pg. 82 (all)

· Pg. 83 (don’t study the diagram)

· Pg. 84 (all)

· Pg. 85 (all)

· Pg. 86 (only top paragraph)

· Pg. 87 (all)

· Pg. 88 (top 2 paragraphs)

· Pg. 89 (all)

· Pg. 90 (all)

· Pg. 91 (People and the Biosphere paragraph)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 145: Let's work on those push-ups!!!


(Create 3 drawings):
  1. Angle Bisector (3 arcs, label the angles & bisector line)
  2. Perpendicular Bisector (label the line segments, draw the right angle box)
  3. Perpendicular Line (label the line segments, draw the right angle box)
Independent Reading
(read for 30 minutes tonight...don't forget to record the time in your reading log)

(at this point, you should have already made C-NOTES from Textbook, pgs. 82-91...next week's quiz will be from these pages)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 144: Back from Easter Weekend


  • make the length of the horizontal line different lengths

  • please do this on a separate sheet of paper

Independent Reading

  • read for 45 minutes tonight


read and review the notes on 'Scavengers' and the 'Food Chain'

  • complete worksheet titled "Definition Worksheet"

  • Test next week on ALL materials given by Team Skills'

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 143: Have a great Easter weekend with your Family!


Math (due Tuesday, April 26th)
(Please follow the instructions below, complete all the work on the blank paper I provided you in class):

Angle Bisector #1: draw angle JAY
  • angle JAY = 80 degrees
  • name the type of angle (acute, obtuse, or right)
  • using any colored pencil crayon, draw the angle bisector (remember to draw the three arcs)

Angle Bisector #2: draw angle REX
  • angle REX = 64 degrees
  • name the type of angle (acute, obtuse, or right)
  • using any colored pencil crayon, draw the angle bisector (remember to draw the three arcs)
Independent Reading
(read for a total of 1 1/2 hrs in the weekend)

(Quiz on Thursday, April 28th) - the Quiz will be based on the C-NOTES you created this week, Textbook pgs. 82-91

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 142: Reading Time!


Independent Reading
(read for 1 hour tonight...don't forget to record it in your log sheet)

(go over the definitions that were covered in class today)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 141: I hope you were good today (Part 2)


(Due Thursday: Textbook, read and create C-NOTES from pgs. 82-91)

(Textbook, pg. 338 # 6 & 7 , 9, 10, 11, 12)

(Due Tomorrow: "What Is It?" - 4 paragraph short essay)
*** Look at yesterday's Blog Post for an example of the work I'm expecting you to complete!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 140: Hot, Cold, Warm...Hot, Cold, Warm (sooooo weird)


*** Geography (this work is due on Thursday)
The following work will be assigned for homework tomorrow; however, if you want a head start, you can start working on this tonight:
  • (Textbook) read and create C-NOTES from pgs. 82-91

(worksheet handed out today in class: DUE Tomorrow!)

Journal (Title: WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, or FALL)
(TOPIC: If you can choose ONLY two types of weather for Toronto, what would they be? Keep in mind, the 1st type will be 9 months during the year, while the second one will be the remaining 3 months)

Independent Reading
(read for 45 minutes tonight)

  • tomorrow, you will be writing a 4-paragraph essay based on the following pictures (you will only get 1 picture out of the 5, then you will write the short essay by guessing what the picture is)

SAMPLE (we did during class this morning):

The picture above could be many things. It could be a solid metal, or even a fridge. However, I have two guesses about the picture above. My first guess is an oven, and my second guess is an elevator.

My first guess is an oven. I think it’s an oven because I’ve seen ovens that look similar; for example, I have seen them at Swiss Chalet. Also, the shape has the potential to be an oven. Think about how an oven looks like. An oven is rectangular in shape, some are made out of metal, and they have door handles. The picture above has these characteristics, that’s why I think it’s an oven.

My second guess is an elevator. I think the picture is an elevator because it looks like it has the two doors that open, similar to an elevator. In addition, the handles look like the inside of an elevator. Moreover, the picture looks like it’s made out of metal, an elevator usually is made out of metal.

In Conclusion, I believe that the picture above is either an oven or an elevator. I may not be correct, but I am confident about my guesses.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

SUNDAY Reminder from Mr. C

"As discussed in class, with constant reminders this past week, your SPEECHES are due tomorrow! You don't need to hand in anything, just be ready to present! Remember to dress the part and hopefully you've already made cue cards, not pages of paper, that you will be reading from during your speech. The presentations will be random, so be ready to present..."

~ Mr. Contiga

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 138: I hope you were good today...

HOMEWORK Math & Geography (written on the board this morning)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 137: A little break tonight...some R & R (Rest & Relaxation)


***NO Homework Tonight! You know what that means though...***

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 136: Debate Night...(Conservative, Liberal, NDP, Bloc, or Green)


*** Debate Tonight: Election Debate 2011 (if you can watch it tonight, tune in to CTV, CityTV, or Global...these channels should have the debate on...it starts at 7:00pm and ends at 9:00pm)


(Textbook, study pgs. 67-69..."Quick Quiz" tomorrow)

(TEST Tomorrow! Do the 5 questions I gave you in class)

Science (Due: this Thursday)
(Textbook, pgs. 34 & 35 #2, 13, 17, 18 & 20)